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sketchup 1001bit(1001工具建筑工具集) / sketchup1001工具插件|sketchup 1001bit(1001工具建筑工具集)下载 版本

  sketchup 1001bit是款专门针对sketchup软件打造的辅助插件。它是一个强大的建筑专业插件的合集,用户可以直接通过这个插件使用里面的建筑模型功能。

  sketchup 1001bit



  1001bit tools推出了免费版本,这套工具是一套集成的建筑工具,可以快速制作各种建筑元素,如门、窗、楼梯、屋顶等等,另外还包括一些绘图和编辑工具如倒圆角、倒直角、延伸等等。


  面定位点(Point on face from reference point)

  Place a construction point on the selected face by horizontal and vertical distance from the reference point.

  分隔线段(Divide along edges)

  Divide edges into segments (multiple types of pision methods). Construction points are placed on pision, edges remain unchanged.

  对齐所选(Align selected entities (3 points))

  This tool allows for aligning any group or component instance by defining 3 basepoints and 3 target points.

  画垂直线(Draw perpendicular line (3D))

  Draws an edge (line) perpendicular to targeted entity.

  平面绘面(Draw face on plane)

  This tool draws a face on a plane defined by 3 points.

  生适合面(Create best fit face)

  Creates a face from non-coplanar points.

  Useful for creating faces when minor discrepancies prevent faces from being created the normal way.

  路径放样(Extrude along path)

  This tool is similar to Sketchup’s followme tool, except there is no need to place the profile anywhere near or along the direction of the path.

  锥形拉伸(Extrude taper)

  This tool extrudes a selected face while maintaining any tapering tendency that is associated with the face.

  车削曲面(Revolved surface)

  This tool creates surface by revolving along a selected profile along a defined axis. It has an added feature to scale profile as it’s being revolved. The scale factor refers to the ratio of the final distance of a point to the axis over its original distance.

  移动端点(Move vertex)

  This tool allows for flexible editing of inpidual vertex of a model.


  Round off a corner, or join two intersecting edges.

  For those familiar with AutoCAD, fillet is one of the most commonly used command.


  Creates a chamfered corner.


  Extend edges to another edge or face.

  偏移线段(Offset edges)

  Offset function that complements the Sketchup built in offset.

  Sketchup's offset works only on faces. This script works on single selected edges.

  水平切割面(Slice faces horizontally)

  Slice selected faces horizontally, at a level from the reference point/level.

  生成斜坡(Slope selected edges)

  This tool allows the user to change the selected edges into one with continuous slope.

  线性阵列(Linear array)

  Creates a linear array of grouped entities or component instances.

  矩形阵列(Rectangular array)

  Creates a rectangular array of grouped entities or component instances.

  极轴阵列(Polar array)

  Creates a polar array of grouped entities or component instances.

  竖直墙体(Vertical wall)

  Build vertical walls. This script differs from the 'followme' function in that it has various features that is useful for architectural works.

  墙体开洞(Openings on walls)

  Creates openings on vertical walls.

  水平凹槽(Horizontal grooves)

  Creates horizontal grooves (recessed and protruded).

  单跑楼梯(Build staircase - single flight)

  Creates single flight staircase.

  双跑楼梯A(Build staircase (Type 2))

  Creates standard staircase - type 2.

  双跑楼梯B(Build staircase (Type 3))

  Creates standard staircase - type 3.

  双跑楼梯C(Build staircase (Type 4))

  Creates metal staircase - type 4.

  螺旋楼梯(Build spiral staircase)

  Creates spiral staircase.

  自动扶梯(Build escalator)

  Automatically creates standard escalators.

  创建窗框(Create window frame)

  Creates window frame by selecting a face.

  创建门框(Create door frame)

  Creates door frame by selecting a face.

  分割面板(Divide panels)

  Divide selected face into window segments.

  栅格表皮(Grilles and screens)

  Creates perforated screens.

  水平百叶(Horizontal louvres)

  Creates horizontal louvres (recessed and protruded) by selecting a face.

  垂直百叶(Vertical louvres)

  Creates vertical louvres (recessed and protruded) by selecting a face.

  矩形栅格(Rectangular grille)

  管状栅格(Tubular grille)

  屋顶椽条(Create rafters joists)

  Create joists tool automatically creates joists, rafters, battens, etc on selected face. There are multiple type of profiles as well as multiple options in ways to layout the joists.

  屋顶檩条(Create rafters battens purlins)

  This tool automatically creates roof rafters, purlins/battens, fascia board from selected faces.

  建坡屋顶(Create hip roof)

  This tool automatically solves hip roof geometry from face of any shape.

标签: sketchup 1001bit sketchup1001工具插件



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